Tips to keep eyes. The eye is an organ in our body is very precious. Premises have healthy eyes, then we can see the beauty of the world and its contents. For this reason, we must maintain and care for the health of the eyes in order not to experience a variety of diseases or other health problems such as nearsightedness, presbiopi, myopia and hipermetropi. Then, is there any easy tips to maintain eye health is .... ???
Friend, health tips. Lots of eye diseases that may not be familiar to our ears as myopia or nearsightedness, presbiopi or can not see distant objects or close, cataracts, hipermetropi or farsightedness, as well as color blind can not distinguish between different colors. Various causes of the disease can afflict your eyes. Such as myopia which afflict many among students and they are very hobby in reading the book. To better understand and know how to maintain proper eye health. Here are 7 easy tips to keep your eye health:
1. Note the distance Reading Books. Try reading a book on the ideal distance. The ideal distance is that reading a book at a distance of 30 cm from the book to the eye. This is to prevent eye diseases such as myopia or nearsightedness.
2. Do While Snooze. Try not to read any text book or in a state while sleeping. It also can make eye health can be affected by disturbed as myopia.
3. Sufficient lighting. Do not use the lighting is too dim when studying or reading any of it. because less light can disturb the health of the eye.
4. Rest your eyes. Try to rest my eyes, when it has been too long in front of a computer screen or laptop while working on assignment or any activity on the computer or laptop. It is also very important to maintain the health of your eyes.
5. Do I checked Mata. Try not rubbed his eyes, when hands are dirty or depleted holding some object. Because dirty hands can infect the eye organ that would cause serious harm to the health of your eyes.
6. Blink Eye. Try to wink with intensity rather coupled, when the focus is too long to see something like the computer or laptop.
Food For Eyes. Try to eat foods that are very good for eye health. In this case, the carrots are foods that are best for eye health, because it contains vitamin A which is very good for eye health.
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