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Thursday, 30 July 2015

Given the Seller Kidney Village in Nepal

If there is competition on the world's poorest villages, village Hokse, Nepal, could be the winner. How not, was so poor, the village population was forced to sell one of their kidneys to earn money to survive.

Therefore, this practice is done almost every citizen, do not be surprised if Hokse known as Kidney Seller village.

The realtor donors visited the village, also in the surrounding area on a regular basis, for the people who want to exchange their organs with a sum of money. If the residents agree, the realtor will take them to southern India to perform the surgical removal of the kidney.

Generally, kidney Hokse citizens exchanged with money of US $ 2,000 or the equivalent of Rp27 million.

Unfortunately, the citizens Hokse many do not know that they were actually duped into selling their kidneys at a low price as well as through illegal procedures.

"Over the past 10 years, many people came to our village and convince to sell a kidney and a lot of people who agree because we are short of money," he said, as reported by Oddity Central.

Data collected Nepal nonprofit organization, Forum for Protection of People's Rights (FPPR) says there are about 10 thousand surgical removal of the kidney with kidney amount sold on the black market was around 7,000 kidney.

On the black market, kidneys from Hokse sold up to six times the initial price.

Not only that, the high demand for donor organs also make the practice illegal in Hokse deepened. Even many people who cheated, fake doctor came to the village said residents affected by serious illness and requires surgery and at the same time, their kidneys were also taken.

In fact, not a few people who were killed and both kidneys were then 'harvested'.

Starting from alternatives to meet the needs of life and future savings, the story of the village kidney seller Hokse into a horror story.

Now, the villagers Hokse anxiety and fear. Especially if a stranger entered the village.

"They're worried the victim of kidnapping and murder," said Krishna Pyari Nakarmi, a lawyer from FPPR.

In addition, now in Hokse, they were caught selling a kidney, gossip and ostracized.

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Fakta Unik Casillas

Iker Casillas resmi mengakhiri pengabdiannya di Real Madrid. Kapten sekaligus kiper timnas Spanyol itu dilepas Madrid dan bergabung dengan raksasa Portugal, FC Porto musim depan.

Keputusan ini cukup mengejutkan. Pasalnya, dia sudah meraih banyak kesuksesan bersama Los Blancos dalam 16 tahun kariernya di Santiago Bernabeu. Wajar jika perpisahan pemain 34 tahun itu berjalan penuh emosional. 

Selain torehan sejumlah trofi bergengsi, perjalanan karier Casillas juga diwarnai fakta unik yang menarik disimak. Berikut ini, fakta menarik Casillas di Madrid seperti dilansir laman olahraga Spanyol, marca, Selasa 14 Juli 2015:

Dari 725 pertandingannya bersama Madrid, dia tiga kali diusir wasit. Dua kali terjadi di La Liga (melawan Osasuna dan Espanyol) dan satu lainnya di ajang Copa del Rey (melawan Nastic).

Dia menjalani debut di Madrid ketika berusia 18 tahun 115 hari (12 September 1999). Fakta ini membuatnya menjadi pemain termuda ke-17 dan kiper termuda sepanjang sejarah Madrid.

Dia sudah kebobolan 751 gol dari 725 pertandingan. Dengan rata-rata 1.03 gol perpertandingan.

Geremi adalah pemain Madrid pertama yang mencetak gol bunuh diri ke gawang Casillas.

Raul Gonzalez adalah rekan setim terlama Casillas. Mereka bermain bersama di 447 pertandingan.

Mengenal Sedap Malam

Anda yang mengaku pecinta kuliner mungkin pernah mencoba sajian yang menggunakan sedap malam sebagai salah satu bahan masakannya. Bahan ini biasanya digunakan dalam sajian kimlo atau tekwan. Tapi, mungkin tidak semua orang pernah mengolah bahan ini. Yuk, kita berkenalan dengan sedap malam.
Anda mungkin mengenal bunga sedap malam yang harum dan sering digunakan sebagai dekorasi ruangan. Tapi, sedap malam yang digunakan dalam berbagai masakan tidak sama dengan bunga sedap malam itu. Sedap malam yang Anda temukan dalam kimlo atau tekwan adalah bunga kering yang berasal dari bunga pisang. Bahan ini bisa Anda temukan di pasar tradisional, toko bahan makanan Cina, atau di bagian bahan makanan Cina di supermarket langganan Anda.

Berniat menggunakan sedap malam untuk sajian kimlo  dengan Rasa Ayam yang 5x lebih kuat? Ada 2 tips sederhana yang bisa Anda coba sebelum mengolah sedap malam:
  1. Rendam dulu sedap malam hingga mekar, lalu cuci 2-3 kali. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menghilangkan aroma asam sedap malam.
  2. Bagian putik sedap malam bisa terasa pahit. Karena itu, buang putiknya sebelum Anda mengolahnya. 
Setelah dipilih dan disiapkan, bunga sedap malam pun siap diolah sebagai bahan tambahan pada kimlo. Salah satu tips yang bisa Anda coba saat memasak kimlo adalah menutup wajan selama beberapa saat waktu menumis bunga sedap malam. Uap yang muncul akan membuat masakan jadi lebih wangi dan sedap. Setelah tumisan bunga sedap malam layu, barulah masukkan tumisan tersebut ke kuah kaldu kimlo Anda. Trik sederhana ini tentu akan menyempurnakan sajian kimlo Anda.

Bila diolah dengan tepat, maka sedap malam akan menjadi bahan tambahan yang membuat sajian kimlo Anda menjadi semakin lengkap. Tentunya kuah kaldu dengan Rasa Ayam yang 5x lebih kuat tak akan merusak sajian Anda. Tambahkan Royco Kaldu Bubuk dengan Rasa Ayam yang 5x lebih kuat untuk menghasilkan kuah kimlo yang mantap.

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Yoghurt There will Irritating Gastric Although fasting

         Many people are worried about eating yogurt while fasting. Sour taste mentioned could irritate the stomach if consumed after breaking fast. Is It True?

According to clinical nutrition specialist from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Marya Haryono, the statement false. He said that the combination of the goodness of milk and good bacteria in yogurt actually consumed during fasting.

"I think that makes sour yogurt is often considered to cause gastric pain. In fact, yogurt pH range between 4-5 where it can still be tolerated by the stomach so it is safe to eat when the stomach is empty," he says, written on Wednesday (08/07/2015).

Marya added, yoghurt consumed when the meal because it is easy to digest, do not contain a lot of fat and cause long-lasting satiety. Consumption of low-fat yogurt when running fast will also meet the needs of calories, fat and protein the body.

Beware of Chemical Substances Around the Annoying Fertility

           The chemicals are easily found on food packaging, pesticides, clothing, carpets, upholstery, and various care products, the effect delaying pregnancy. Thus the news written HealthDay News recently. The use of chemicals had been banned in the US because of the toxic, and is expected in 2010 really is not used anymore.

However, these substances had already wandering in the environment and in our bodies for decades. "The chemical is already widespread impair fertility, thus making it difficult to have a baby," said Dr. Jorn Olsen, chief researcher and head of the Department of Epidemiology, UCLA's School of Public Health.

The Danish women in the study who had perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate high levels (PFOS). As a result, they have to wait long to get pregnant.

The report is published in the online edition of Human Reproduction, late last month. And followed by the emergence of various reports about the dangers of other chemicals present in plastics, such as bisphenol A (BPA), which can cause problems in the fetus or infant.

For the study, Olsen's team collected data on 1,240 women in the Danish National Birth Cohort. Researchers took blood samples from the women and interviewed them on how long they waited for the pregnancy. Found the levels of PFOS in the blood of 6.4 nanograms per milliliter (ng / ml) to 106.7 ng / ml. For PFOA range 1 ng / ml to 41.5 ng / ml.

Olsen and his team then divided the women into four groups, depending on how much of the chemicals in their blood. Women in the group with the highest levels of PFOS, 70-134 percent longer to get pregnant than women with the lowest PFOS levels. Women with the highest PFOA levels 60-154 percent longer to get pregnant compared with women with the lowest levels.

Researchers claimed not to know exactly why these chemicals inhibit pregnancy. However, they estimate it all related to the disruption of hormones that are involved in reproduction.

Recent animal studies have revealed these chemicals have toxic effects on the liver, immune system and reproductive organs. The study also found that PFOA and PFOS to impaired fetal growth.

Other dangers involve these chemicals may soon become a debate. Since 2006, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is committed eight factories that voluntarily reduce PFOA emissions and product content of PFOA in them.

Benefits Cucumber

Efficacy and Benefits Cucumber

Cucumber is one of the oldest vegetables have many health benefits believed to have originated from northern India. Now cucumber is among the most widely grown of vegetable crops in the world after tomatoes, onions and cabbage. These vegetables are grown all over the world in temperate regions.


Cucumber (Cucumis sativus), vegetables including gourd, Cucurbitaceae, which includes squash, melons and squashes. There are two types of cucumber: cucumber is sliced ​​and pickled cucumbers prepared or preserved. For preservation variation tend to be smaller, thicker, and has a bumpy skin with black dotted like thorns.

cucumber, efficacy and benefits of cucumber

Cucumber is often regarded as a healthy food because it is low in calories and fat. Cucumbers also contain many vitamins and minerals that make cucumber so healthy choices for cooked and consumed immediately. Here are the benefits to the health of cucumber.

List: Cucumber - cucumber benefits - Keeping Hydrated Body - Skin Care - Cancer - Controlling Blood Pressure - Teeth and gums - Helps Digestion - Improving Health - Disease of Ribbon Worm - Nail Care - Relieve Gout Pain and Arthritis - Cure Diabetes - Reducing Cholesterol - Stimulate Hair Growth - Act as Diuretic - Helps Lose Weight

Benefits Cucumber
Keeping Hydrated Body

Cucumber has a moisture content of 96% which is more nutritious than ordinary water, which helps in keeping the body hydrated and regulate body temperature. It also helps in flushing out toxins from the body.

As Skin Care

High water content, vitamins A, B & C and the presence of certain minerals such as magnesium, potassium, silica and makes cucumbers are an important part of skin care. Face masks containing cucumber juice can be used to tighten the skin. Ascorbic acid and caffeic acid are present in cucumber can reduce the level of water retention which in turn reduces swelling under the eyes. Cucumber skin can also bring relief to the skin caused by sunburn or skin rough situation because of the wind.

Fighting Cancer

Cucumbers are known to contain lariciresinol, pinoresinol, and secoisolariciresinol - these three elements that have a strong history of research in connection with a reduced risk of some types of cancer, including breast cancer, prostate cancer, uterine cancer, and ovarian cancer.

Controlling Blood Pressure

Cucumber juice contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, and fiber that work effectively to regulate blood pressure. This makes the cucumber is good for blood pressure and better treat low blood pressure or high blood pressure.

Beneficial for teeth and gums

Cucumber juice is also beneficial for people who have problems to teeth and gums, especially in cases of gum disease. Cucumbers are a good source of dietary fiber and these fibers maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Helps Digestion

Gastrointestinal disorders such as ulcers, heartburn, gastritis and even curable by daily consumption of fresh cucumber juice. High water content and fiber in the diet is very effective in cucumbers expel toxins from the digestive system and thereby help digestion. Daily consumption of cucumber can be considered as a remedy for chronic constipation.

Improve Health

Cucumber is an excellent source of silica, which is known to help promote health by strengthening the bond network.

Treating Diseases of Ribbon Worm

Cucumber seeds are used as a natural remedy to treat tapeworms. Cucumber seeds mixed with water is also effective in the treatment of swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat.

Nail Care

High silica contents of cucumber also helps prevent nail splitting and spoiling of the fingers and toes.

Relieve Gout and Arthritis Pain

Cucumbers are rich in vitamins A, B1, B6, C & D, Folate, Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium, when mixed with carrot juice, they can relieve gout and arthritis pain by reducing uric acid levels.

Curing Diabetes

Cucumber juice has been found to be beneficial for patients with diabetes. These vegetables contain a hormone needed by the cells of the pancreas to produce insulin.

Reducing Cholesterol

The researchers discovered that some compounds called sterols in cucumber can help reduce cholesterol levels.

Stimulate Hair Growth

Cucumber contains silicon and sulfur, thus the consumption of cucumbers regular intake can help promote healthy hair growth. For best results, mix cucumber juice with carrot juice, lettuce or spinach.

Acting as Diuretic

The water content of cucumber acts as a diuretic, is to encourage the elimination of waste products from the body through urination. Regular intake of cucumber helps to dissolve the bladder or kidney stones.

Helps Lose Weight

Because of the low calorie and high water content, cucumber is an ideal diet for people who want to lose weight.

When buying cucumbers, select that contains the (somewhat loud-not mushy) and dark green color. Do not choose too ripe or yellow because it tends to contain more soluble fiber and seeds are ripe. Cucumbers are grown organically getting rich flavor and nutrients.

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

History of the Internet in the World

        The Internet is a computer network established by the US Department of Defense on tahun1969, through disebutARPANET ARPAyang project (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), where they demonstrated how the software hardwaredan UNIX-based computers, we can make communication within the infinite through the channel phone. ARPANET project designing a network, reliability, how much information can be transferred, and finally all the standards that they set into the embryo development of new protocols now known as TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol).

        The initial purpose of the construction project was for military purposes. At that time the US Department of Defense (US Department of Defense) made the computer network system that is spread by linking computers in areas vital to address the problem in the event of a nuclear attack and to avoid the occurrence of centralized information, which in the event of war can easily be destroyed.
At first ARPANET only connect 4 sites only that the Stanford Research Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, University of Utah, where they form a unified network in 1969, and in general the ARPANET was introduced in October 1972. Not long after this project growing rapidly in all regions, and all universities in these countries want to join, thus making it difficult to set the ARPANET.

         Therefore, ARPANET split widened two, namely "MILNET" for military purposes and the "ARPANET" new smaller for non-military purposes, such as universities. Combined both networks eventually known as the DARPA Internet, which then reduces to the Internet.
History of the Internet began in the '60s, when Levi C. Finch and Robert W. Taylor began to conduct research on global networks and interoperability issues. Furthermore, some research programs are under way to look at the mechanism of the association of different networks physically. One solution that emerged from these studies is the packet switching technique. In the packet switching technique, data or large files to be sent over a computer network to first cut into small packages that are easier to handle and more Andal. Principal investigator in the development of packet switching is Donald Davies (NPL), Paul Baran (RAND Corporation), Leonard Kleinrock and his colleagues (MIT) and UCLA Research Programs.

         In 1969, Robert Taylor newly promoted as the head of the information processing office at DARPA (Agency of the United States Army Research) intends mengimplementaskan idea to create a system of interconnected networks. Together Larry Robert of MIT, Robert Taylor began a project that came to be known as the ARPANET. The first ARPANET connection is formed between the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) at 22:30 hours on October 29, 1969. On December 5, 1969, there are two further networks which are joined, the University of Utah and University of California, Santa Barbara so that a total of four (4) node network. ARPANET ALOHAnet based on technology developed very quickly. In 1981, the number of nodes that are connected to 213.

        In addition to research networks such as ARPANET and X.25, the hobbiis computer also develops its own network techniques are then quite popular, namely UUCP. The biggest problem in this technique is how to make various types of network equipment, such as telephone, radio, LAN cables that are physically very different can communicate with each other. The diversity of physical media networks to encourage the development of procedures for communication (communication protocol) which is capable of internetworking, so many small networks can be interconnected into a vast computer network.

          Set of procedures for communication or Internet protocol enables a computer network built using different physical channels. In plain language, a computer connected using a telephone, can communicate with a computer connected to a LAN network or radio network. This will support inter-network (inter-network) globally that later we know as the "Internet".

        In addition to Internet protocol, another thing that is important in the development of the Internet is the method of addressing on the Internet. Jon Postel of the Information Science Institute (ISI) at the University of Southern California (USC) is a very meritorious behind various Internet IP address allocation, management of the Domain Name System (DNS), media types, and various procedures for the allocation of numbers for essential communications on the Internet. Until his death on October 16, 1998, Jon Postel manage the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). On July 21, 1998, Jon Postel Silver Medal of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) for his services to build the Internet in the world. Currently, IANA is operated by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).

Commercialization and privatization of the Internet began in the 1980s in the United States with at ijinkannya Internet Service Provider (ISP) to operate. Internet started to boom in the 1990s. and to be the key drivers of change in the culture and the business world. Internet offers faster communication patterns using e-mail, free discussion forums, and Web.

How to Treat Cancer

Cancer Is It?

Posts on the list of herbs for cancer treatment is quite long, so you can bookmark it first if you have limited time, to be read back in your spare time. Cancer is a very deadly disease. There are various variants of cancer, the most suffered by the Indonesian population is a cancer of the cervix (cervical cancer) and breast cancer. The symptoms caused by cancer can also vary.

Data from the UN World Health Organization, World Health Organization (WHO) that by 2013, cancer incidence has increased very significantly. There are 12.7 million cases in 2008 and then jumped to 14.1 million cases in 2012. The number of cancer patients who have experienced a death is also a marked improvement. In 2008 there were 7.6 million people died from cancer, and increase to be 8.2 million in 2012. Cancer is currently the second leading cause of death in the world (13%) following which relate to heart disease and Daran vessels (cardiovascular ). More's the pity, because more cancer suffered by people in developing countries like Indonesia.
See also:
Side Effects Cancer Surgery
Know Your Type Chemotherapy Drugs

So what led to the emergence of cancer in a person? Perntanyaan it may be you ask because thus the spread of this disease, even though he was not among the category of infectious diseases. Cancer is a disease in which cells undergo division beyond normal limits, then attack the tissue or other cells in the vicinity, and then spread to the tissues of the body via the circulatory system or lymphatic circulatory system. Cancer cells arise from cells that should undergo apoptosis (aging and death), but because of the papilloma virus (Human Pavilloma Virus - HPV) and it caused mutations or changes in DNA in cells. The cells then die instead, continue to keep dividing uncontrollably even. In addition other factors such as the immune system (immune system), papapan carcinogenic substance (causes cancer) of chemical contaminants, addictive substances such as cigarettes, and food additives are also blamed for triggering cancer.

Types of Cancer

Some types of cancer are often found in Indonesia other than breast cancer and cervical cancer (cancer of the cervix or cervical cancer) is a lung cancer, colorectal cancer (cancer of the large bowel / colon and rectum), skin cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, liver cancer, prostate cancer (only affects males), lymph node cancer (lymphoma malignum) and cancer of the white blood cells (leukemia).

Cancer treatment is expensive and difficult. Cancer treatment is usually performed in a modern or alternative, or to embrace modern cancer treatment alternative cancer treatment. Modern cancer treatment is done through removal by surgery (surgery), chemotherapy (chemical treatment or chemotherapy), immunotherapy (immune therapy or immunotherapy), radiation therapy (radiotherapy), and targeted therapy (targeted therapy). In addition it is also known as a cancer treatment alternative (alternative medicine cancer). While alternative cancer treatment is to use herbal cancer drugs.
What Is the Treatment of Cancer Chemotherapy?
Types, Side Effects, Drug Support, and Lama Cancer Chemotherapy
Alternative Cancer Treatment

In Indonesia and in many developing countries, more cancer patients choose alternative medicine cancer. Why has been chosen? Of course this is very related to the high cost of modern cancer treatment, and even then the chances of success are not so encouraging. Because that, too, not only in developing countries, in developed countries and even rich, anti-cancer herbal medicine remains an option for healing and alternative medicine cancer.

List of Medicinal Plants Herbal Anti-Cancer Indonesia
Most plants are included into the list of herbal medicinal plants is a plant of cancer is actually very familiar. Even some used as seasoning. Its use as an herbal remedy for cancer in the form of herbal certainly should pay attention to dose and manner of manufacture is appropriate to obtain optimal results for treatment. Here are some nutritious plants as an alternative cancer treatment material in question.

Anthill (Mymrmecodia pendans)
Plants anthill which has the scientific name Mymrmecodia pendans is tanman Papuans. Anthill medicinal plants because many contain active ingredients such as anti-cancer called flavonoids. In addition it also contains tookoferol anthill, polyphenols and anti-oxidants. Flavonoids in plants anthill apparently has the ability to stop the growth of cancer cells. It works by inhibiting the cell division cycle, and also strengthen the immune system or immune system of cancer patients. This plant is easily recognizable because of its very unique. Anthill has cavities like a maze inside the tuber. In the cavities of live ants use as nests. That is why this plant is called anthill. Anthill water decoction taken regularly with an appropriate dose is believed to bring healing to people with cancer.

White Turmeric (Curcuma mango)
This plant has a scientific name Curcuma mango. Indeed it smells like mango kweni. He includes medicinal plants that have rhizomes (roots stay) that grows in the ground. White turmeric, as the name suggests is different from turmeric is commonly used as a spice in cooking. Rhizomanya white instead of yellow color, with a round shape. Another name white turmeric is meeting or appointment Rapet daughter. White Turmeric contains essential oils effective to cure swelling (anti-inflammatory) and help stimulate increased immune system (immune system). Besides white turmeric is also a good antioxidant. Some studies such as that conducted by the American Institute of Cancer (American Cancer Institur), Faculty of Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology and PPOT PAU UGM showed that white turmeric good for people with cancer and tumors. The ability of white turmeric in cancer treatment because it contains compounds called ribosome inacting Protein (RIP) who has the ability to disable the growth of cancer cells, kill cancer cells without damaging the cells or other tissues in the vicinity, and also block the growth of cancer cells. Antioxidants contained white turmeric also prevents damage due to cancer-triggering gene, and an anti-inflammatory to help cope with the swelling and inflammation.
See also:
Why In some Cancer Patients Do Not Suggested Operations
Saffron or turmeric (Curcuma longa)
Turmeric is a plant that has rhizomes (medicinal), which is common in daily use as a cooking spice in Indonesia. Turmeric it also has a function as a good cancer drug.

Tread Dara (Catharanthus roseus)
Periwinkle plant which has the scientific name Catharanthus roseus leaves are often used as an herb. Vinca plants turned out to have been tested as a drug ingredient that is effective for prevention and killer cancer cells. Apocynaceae plants that are closely related tribes with frangipani has a content of alkaloid compounds for cancer drugs. Alkaloid group in question is called the vinca alkaloids vincristine and vinblastine. Both of these vinca alkaloids have benefits in inhibiting the multiplication and spread of cancer cells.

Vincristine alkaloid compound derived from the periwinkle can be used as a treatment of bronchial cancer, a malignant tumor that grows in the kidney, breast cancer, and various types of tumors on the nerves and muscles. Another alkaloid compounds called cabtharanthin which also contained vinca plant is expected to be urgent and dissolve the nucleus of cancer cells, thereby killing the cancer cells effectively.
Read Multiple Benefits That Can Be Obtained From Plants Tread Dara

Taro mice (Typhonium flagelliforme)
Taro mice are wild plants that have a scientific name Typhonium flagelliforme. This plant has been undergoing research as an ingredient of anti-cancer herbal medicinal plants. Has many herbal medicines extracted from plants taro mice on the market after being mixed with crops other anti-cancer. Taro plants of the family is also known by other names rodent tuber (tuber mice), or laoshu yu. Taro mice have properties as herbs disable cancer cells then kill tissue for cancer cells and stop the growth of cancer cells. Taro mice as well as white turmeric also has content inacting ribosome protein (RIP), antioxidants and substances antikurkumin. A researcher from Malaysia, namely Prof. Dr. Chris KH Theo from the University of Science Malaysia has reported the ability of taro mice as materials for herbal remedies for a potent cancer.

Intersection Comedy (Curcuma zedoaria)
Curcuma plant was also effective as a cancer drug. Plant with the scientific name of the rhizome of Curcuma zedoria used for carrying medicinal main ingredients, according to an herbalist from London, England named Andrew Chevallier Mnimh, the ginger plants contained curcumol and curdione that has efficacy as an anti-cancer and anti-tumor. In China, traditionally rhizome of ginger plant has always been used as a cure cervical cancer. Substances and active ingredients contained in ginger root has the ability to kill cancer cells if done together radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.)
Who does not know noni? Medicinal plants this one is very popular. Noni fruit flesh or pace having an active ingredient known as dammacanthel. Dammacanthel an anticancer active ingredient that is able to resist the growth of abnormal cells in precancerous stages and can prevent the development of cancer cells. If you want to use noni, then you should choose pieces that are not too ripe (soft), because the fermentation process that occurs in overripe fruit may reduce the anticancer active ingredient in noni.

Dewa leaf (Gynura divaricata)
God leaves also is a plant that has been known as anticancer plant. Part of the plant used from plants that have a scientific name Gynura divaricata are the leaves.

Ceremai (Phyllanthus acidus)
Ceremai plant closely related to meniran and often eaten fruit to make a fruit salad. Ceremai plants that bear small yellow button-it was quite effective as a natural cancer drug. The parts used are the leaves of plants.

Epiphyte is a plant that grows on other plants. Way of life is detrimental to the host plant in which they live, but it turns out the compound in the parasite has long been thought to act as an inhibitor of cancer malignancy. Parasite can be boiled and drunk boiled water for support while undergoing chemotherapy drug (chemical substance therapy by taking anticancer drugs).

Soursop (Annona muricata)
Soursop leaves have been studied since the first efficacious menmbunuh active cancer cells, helps the immune system and avoid deadly infections and also prevent free radicals.
Soursop which has the scientific name is Annona muricata contains an active ingredient nice to kill cancer cells. The active ingredients include annohexocin, acetogenins, annocatatin, annonol, annomurine and has long been known as an active ingredient antitumor and cancer. Now the leaves of the soursop has been widely used for traditional therapies for the treatment of cancer. According to various sources, soursop leaves that have been quite old as much as 7 or 8 pieces boiled in 3 cups of water. Simmer and 1 cup boiling water. Live cooking water drunk. It felt fresh so not too difficult to drink, except a little distinctive smell that will smell in the nose.
Soursop Leaf Benefits for Health
Soursop and Research on Treatment of Cancer

Red Andong (Cordyline fruticosa)
Plants red carriage is one of the plants that have the ability to cure cancer. The scientific name is a red buggy or Convallaria fruticosa Cordyline fruticosa, Asparagus terminal, Aletris chinensis, Dracaena Ferrea, Cordyline terminalis, Dracaena terminal, or terminal fruticosa). A variety of diseases and health problems can be treated using this herbal red carriage, including cancer and tumors. Parts of plants to be used as an herb leaves, flowers, roots, either in fresh or dried condition.
Read Benefit Andong Red Plants for Health

Pomegranate (Punica granatum Punica malus or L)
Helps prevent both cancer and skin cancer prostate cancer or prostate gland disorders characterized either by frequent urination in men.
Read on Health Benefits of Pomegranate

Green tea
Green tea is actually more widely used as a herbal cancer prevention. But green tea is believed to also have the ability to prevent the spread and growth of cancer to stage further. A research on green tea as a cancer drug in connection has been carried out by Rutgers University, where the test reaction tube, green tea can slow down cell division-cell lung cancer and cancer of the large intestine (colon). Other important studies also showed that green tea can stop the growth of tumors in mice. Currently a cancer research institute in the United States called the National Cancer Institute is conducting a clinical trial on the benefits of green tea for cancer treatment. The use of green tea is certainly very safe, due to its nature as an anti-oxidant. Although, if too many consuming (exceeding dose diajurkan), then it can lead to dizziness and diarrhea.

Garlic (Allium sativum)
Seasoning this one is already very famous, but did you know that garlic has anti-cancer substances? Garlic bulbs that have a scientific name Allium sativum contains an active ingredient that can cure cancer, known as allicin. Common use of garlic as a cure for cancer is cancer of the colon (intestine), rectum cancer (rectal cancer), stomach cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
Ginger comes from Southeast Asia, but can grow spread to various parts of the world. Currently ginger used in the treatment of cancer because a good ability to help cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy, by eliminating the effect of dizziness and vomiting. There have been many studies on the function of ginger in the treatment of cancer.

Basil (Ocimum basilicum)
A plant that is often used as an ingredient fresh food on the dining table. Basil turned out to have many western experts draw attention to the material cure cancer. Allegedly ability for cancer treatment comes from its ability to affect the ability of the virus associated with cancer (Human Papilloma Virus) to infect healthy cells.

Cardamom (Amomum compactum and Elettaria cardamomum)
Cardamom in western countries known as cardamom. These plants produce fruits with seeds in the ground, or near the soil surface. There are two types of cardamom is famous, namely green (Elettaria) and black (Amomum). Cardamom including gingers rate or Zingiberaceae. Cardamom pods are dried very commonly used as a spice in Indonesian cuisine. Who would have thought, this plant has been studied mainly in the form of the extract is dissolved in the oil or water-soluble extracts are efficacious for the treatment of cancer.

Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum)
Cinnamon aka cinnamon turned out to have the ability as a cancer drug. Cinnamon is a spice in cooking ingredient commonly used in Indonesia, is the bark of plants that have a scientific name Cinnamomum verum.

Clove (Eugenia caryophyllata)
Plant cloves we know as a spice in cooking. Clove plant which has the scientific name of the caryopyllata Eugenia, who has not taken the flowers bloom. Plant cloves native of Indonesia. Since the first western nations to colonize Indonesia in order to obtain cloves as a spice of high value and expensive. Cloves have many active ingredients such as tannins, terpenoids, eugenol, and acetyleugenol useful for cancer treatment

Cocor duck (Kalanchoe pinnata or Bryophillum calycinum or Bryophyllum pinnatum)
Cocor duck contains a variety of active ingredients that are beneficial to health. Some active ingredients that are beneficial include bryophillin A as anticancer
Read about Cocor duck for Health Benefits

Lemongrass or Citronella (Cymbopogon ciratis or Andropogon nardus)
Besides useful as a food seasoning, lemon grass are also widely used for traditional medicines. Lemongrass can be useful for the prevention of tumor diseases and cancer.
Read Serai for Health Benefits

Water girlfriend (Impatiens balsamina, or Impatiens triflora, or balsamina hortensis)
Plant water girlfriends have some scientific name that Impatiens balsamina, or Impatiens triflora, or balsamina hortensis. This plant is known as a potent drug to relieve itching due to poison ivy (poison ivy sap) using liquid on the trunk, increasing blood flow, for painkillers new mothers, low blood pressure, joint pain, laxative (smooth bowel movement) , bruising and swelling, an antidote to poisoning fish (fish allergies), rheumatoid arthritis, antibacterial for wounds, gastritis, beriberi, treat nails are broken or damaged, cancer, tonic for heavy workers, treat snake bites, facilitating menstruation, relieve a cough with sputum , Water and tea seed girlfriend traditionally used for the treatment of systemic fungal infections
Read girlfriend Water for Health Benefits

Coriander (Coriandrum sativum)
The mothers would know coriander. You are like the snacks such as dent will also find this one seasoning in it. Aliar cilantro coriander turned out to have effect as a cancer drug. Coriander are used, of course coriander seeds in the form of small round that, at first glance resemble peppercorns., Just inside the hollow. Linalool content of the leaves and fruit (seed) was the one who made it count as a natural cancer drug.

Fennel (Anethum graveolens)
The active ingredients contained fennel is anethofuran and carvone. Fennel is also a spice in cooking. Some regional cuisine in Indonesia are using fennel in a mixture of spices. Apparently, fennel have active ingredients to treat cancer. Both are antioxidants that help in the treatment of cancer. Parts that can be used for the treatment of leaves or seeds.

White cumin (Cuminum cyminum)
Cumin or plant with the scientific name of Cuminum cyminum is a flowering plant belonging to the tribe Apiaceae, and commonly used as a spice in cooking. Cumin closely with caraway (Carum carvi), which also have the same potential for herbal treatment of cancer. Tymoquinone is the active ingredient contained in a lot of cumin. These active ingredients are very good for the treatment of cancer.

Caraway (Carum carvi)
Until now, the plant is still the subject of important research in the United States for cancer treatment. The cumin or caraway guess this has the ability to inhibit the carcinogenic substances (causes cancer) in the body.

List of Anti-Cancer Herbal Medicinal Plants of Countries West (America and Europe)
Here is a list of plants which merit as a cancer cure from western countries (not original or not growing in Indonesia). You may be able to buy this plant extract in the form of drugs or supplements that are sold on the internet in the packaging. However, having knowledge of herbal plants will certainly be useful.

Wormwood (Artemisia annua L.)
Currently, wormwood (Artemisia annua) was busy talking because the content of its anti-cancer substance called artemisin. Wormwood is native to China is already commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. Mentioned that artemisin contained by the wormwood plant is effective at killing cancer cells. Even the ability artemisin extracted from the wormwood plant is able to kill cancer cells without damaging the target cells or other healthy tissues as reported by the research team at the University of washington. Expected cancer treatment using wormwood plant material will later provide the fewest side effects to the patient.

Wormwood plant (Artemisia annua) is a plant belonging to the Asteraceae tribe. The leaves are divided (bertoreh very deep), and can grow up to 2 meters high. Branching stem much. This plant is known by various names such as sweet annie, wormweed, sweet wormwood, arthemether, artemotil, quinghao, arthemisinin, and artesunate. This plant is actually also be used to treat malaria, especially that caused by Plasmodium falciparum. Wormwood have anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal.
Please note the use of wormwood for pregnant women during the first trimester because it can lead to teratogenicity. Artemisin contained wormwood are toxic to the embryo or fetus in the womb.

Or Tragacantha Astragalus (Astragalus propinquus or Astragalus membranaceus)
Astragalus is also known in traditional Chinese medicine as Huang ch'i. Indeed, this plant is used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat diabetes (diabetes). These plants can help cancer patients because it triggers the immune system. Tests carried out at the University of Texas Medical Center with astragalus mixing with the blood of cancer patients in a test tube showed that the function of killer cells known as T lymphocytes increased up to 260 percent.

It should be noted side effects from the use of this herb where astragalus are herbs that can cause a drop in blood pressure, decreased levels of blood sugar, dizziness, and fatigue, even when the cancer patient an overdose, even the immune system will be further damaged. It is recommended that when taken orally (swallowed by mouth), according to the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database only between 9-30 grams per day in order to really secure. It should also be noted that you have to recognize the correct type of Astragalus propinquus so that no one, because it turns out some Astragalus species originating from North America actually contains toxic alkaloids called swainsonine.

Cat's Claw (Uncaria tomentosa)
Uncaria tomentosa is acidic plant originally from South America. In traditional medicine has long used cat's claw, especially for curing arthritis (arthritis), and of course as a cancer drug. Until now, the use of cat's claw is still very popular as a herbal cancer in the United States and western countries. Herbs of cat's claw is relatively safe. However, due to the use of cat's claw name not only for Uncaria tomentosa (there are other plants that are named cat's claw, but not the plant in question here), then you should be careful. Even among these plants exist that are toxic and dangerous.

Mistletoe (Viscum album)

Mistletoe is a plant that lives as a parasite of the tribe Santalaceae, although initially put into Viscaceae tribe. Mistletoe in the euro area is usually used as a Christmas decoration, because it remains green even in times of a snowy winter. Mistletoe plants native of the United Kingdom and Europe.

Mistletoe (Viscum album) have strands of leaves, sitting opposite. Oval shape and smooth edges are not bumpy. Forming stem woody branches, which are then her growing group of fruit berries that resemble white or beige. Because life is taking food from host plants, mistletoe inhibit the growth of plants in which they live, even deadly. Similarly way of life just like a parasite. Since the first well-known as herbal ingredients mistletoe treatment of cancer and tumors in Europe.

Saffron (Crocus sativus)
Saffron is a plant that is usually used as a spice in cooking, and it has the power to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Saffron has been shown to significantly as antitumor material.

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
Rosemary is a plant originating from the Mediterranean region, with woody stems, and smelling. It tasted bitter, cool, but used as an additional variety of food. As a member of the tribe Lamiaceae, rosemary contains active ingredients such as antioxidants carnosic and rosmarinic. In addition rosemary also contains camphor, caffeine acid, ursolic acid, betulinic acid, rosmaridifenol, and rosmanol.

Benefits of Soursop Leaf

     Benefits of soursop leaves in Indonesia is very popular at all, especially since research began to prove that he can be super dangerous combat diseases such as cancer. Soursop leaves are very a lot of benefits, especially for the health of the human body which is not unexpected treat some diseases can be dangerous.

In daily life we are not so aware of how powerful this kasiat soursop leaves. If you do not know the benefits of this leaf so it's good you read this article carefully.

Before discussing the details of how the soursop leaves can be a powerful weapon, let us discuss the nutrients contained therein.

Nutrient content of leaves Soursop


  • Annohexocina
  • Annomuricina A, B, C and E
  • Annomutacina
  • Annopentocinas A, B and C
  • Muricoreacina
  • Gigantetronemina
  • Murihexocina A and C
  • Javoricina


  • Anonaine
  • Anoniine
  • Atherospermine
  • Coreximine


  • Gentisic acid
  • Lignoceric acid
  • CLA
  • stearic acid

Soursop Leaf Medicinal Benefits

Benefits of soursop leaf is also widely used as a drug, a substance contained in the essence of the soursop leaves is very effective in fighting and become drug ingredients. Here is a list of properties that are given soursop in effect as a drug.

  • Antibacterial: To Inhibit the growth of bacteria
  • Antivirus: To inhibit virus growth
  • Anticancer: To Inhibit cancer progression
  • Antitumor: To Inhibit tumor growth
  • Antiparasitic: To Inhibit the growth of parasites
  • Antimalarial: Preventing malaria
  • Antileishmania: Antileishmania
  • Antispasmodic: Substances which can relax smooth muscle
  • Anticonvulsant: anticonvulsants
  • Astrigen: Substances that wrinkle / shrink mucous membranes
  • Antimutagenik: Substances that inhibit the gene mutation
  • Analgesics: Substances that may reduce pain / tenderness
  • Anti-inflammatory: substances that suppress inflammation
  • Febrifuge: Substances which can reduce body heat fever
  • Hypotension: Substances which lowers blood pressure
  • Hypoglycemic: substance that lowers blood sugar levels
  • Nervin: To strengthen the nerves / nerve tonic
  • Kardiodepresan: Pressing heart activity
  • Galactogogue: Substances that can increase milk production
  • Tranquilizers: Substance soothing
  • Stomakik: Substances which strengthens the stomach and increases appetite
  • Vasodilators: substances that dilate blood vessels
  • Vermifuge: Substances which can kill intestinal worms
  • Diuretics: The emetic of aurine
  • Calming: Substance soothing

Although soursop is a super plant, but keep in mind that the benefits of soursop leaves should we interpret the common sense, if the illness / complaint does not go away do not hesitate to visit the doctor concerned.

Soursop Leaf Benefits For Cancer

Now the benefits of soursop leaves for cancer is still in a very long debate, but an outline of cancer is a disease that is still difficult to be cured. Some patients and their families is not uncommon to try a variety of herbs and plants to treat cancer, including one soursop leaves. Of medical research, there are indeed some high antioxidant content in the leaves of the soursop that can be relied upon to eradicate cancer. Further research regarding soursop leaf is still being developed and become one of the most in waiting in the medical world.

Benefits of soursop leaf to cure various diseases in the human body to treat even the world's most dangerous diseases such as cancer. But there are several correct way to use this soursop leaves as a medicine and to provide maximum benefits to the human body. Unlike other fruit benefits are just as nutrition, soursop leaves tend to be the maximum for some dangerous diseases

Tips Leveraging Soursop Leaf

If you use the leaves of the soursop for various medical purposes it is better to follow a few tips which we summarize below.

Clean the leaves. Do not forget to clean the leaves with water flowing because there will be many germs and bacteria on the leaves of the soursop, including fruit.
Do not consume too much, make sure you follow the advice given in order not menggurangi efficacy of the leaves.

Consult a herbalist related. Make sure you do a consultation with an herb related to getting real information about the benefits of soursop leaves of the plant, how to use, and nutritional content.
Interesting Facts About Soursop.

Soursop can we say as a super plant, why? this is because a lot of research has been conducted and found that almost all parts of the soursop ranging from bark, leaves, roots, and of course the fruit can be used as a traditional herbal powerful for the human body, health, or even outside.

Soursop leaf health benefits for very much at all and benefit the most phenomenal is to treat the cancer. However, empirical evidence from the medical world still has never confirmed it. Because health benefits are very much then everyone is trying to find various alternative natural medicine patents. Here are some of the benefits of soursop

How to maintain eye health

7 Easy Tips to Keep Your Eye Health

      Tips to keep eyes. The eye is an organ in our body is very precious. Premises have healthy eyes, then we can see the beauty of the world and its contents. For this reason, we must maintain and care for the health of the eyes in order not to experience a variety of diseases or other health problems such as nearsightedness, presbiopi, myopia and hipermetropi. Then, is there any easy tips to maintain eye health is .... ???

            Friend, health tips. Lots of eye diseases that may not be familiar to our ears as myopia or nearsightedness, presbiopi or can not see distant objects or close, cataracts, hipermetropi or farsightedness, as well as color blind can not distinguish between different colors. Various causes of the disease can afflict your eyes. Such as myopia which afflict many among students and they are very hobby in reading the book. To better understand and know how to maintain proper eye health. Here are 7 easy tips to keep your eye health:

1. Note the distance Reading Books. Try reading a book on the ideal distance. The ideal distance is that reading a book at a distance of 30 cm from the book to the eye. This is to prevent eye diseases such as myopia or nearsightedness.

2. Do While Snooze. Try not to read any text book or in a state while sleeping. It also can make eye health can be affected by disturbed as myopia.

3. Sufficient lighting. Do not use the lighting is too dim when studying or reading any of it. because less light can disturb the health of the eye.

4. Rest your eyes. Try to rest my eyes, when it has been too long in front of a computer screen or laptop while working on assignment or any activity on the computer or laptop. It is also very important to maintain the health of your eyes.

5. Do I checked Mata. Try not rubbed his eyes, when hands are dirty or depleted holding some object. Because dirty hands can infect the eye organ that would cause serious harm to the health of your eyes.

6. Blink Eye. Try to wink with intensity rather coupled, when the focus is too long to see something like the computer or laptop.
Food For Eyes. Try to eat foods that are very good for eye health. In this case, the carrots are foods that are best for eye health, because it contains vitamin A which is very good for eye health.

How to Take Care of Rabbits

Tips on How to Take Care of The Good And Right Rabbit 
Rabbit is an animal that is often maintained. Because of his characteristic humorous and long ears. This cute bunny is mammals of the family "Leporidae" which can be found in many parts of the earth everywhere.

This first live wild animals in Africa to mainland Europe. But now many in homes as pets.

Tips on How to Take Care of Angora Rabbit Good
Illustration Tips on How to Take Care of Angora Rabbit Good

Maybe we just know how to give good eating, but if you already know how to care for a rabbit is good? Here goes some way to take care of a rabbit in a way that is good and right.

How to Take Care of Rabbits It was easy, really ......
Regularly clean the rabbit cage, rabbit care for easy right?
The rabbit is very easy to hit the fungus, especially on the ears and nose. Because if the cages are rarely cleaned, the mushrooms that will easily live in a rabbit hutch. Rabbit cages should also be exposed to sunlight, to avoid moisture. Then the bottom of the enclosure try a lot of holes, so that the dirt of rabbits can be directly wasted down the cage.

      2. Make the cage size is sufficient, especially when caring for young rabbits

The size of the cage should be fit for a place to eat and drink, and height that can be reached by the rabbit, so as not trampled. The minimum grant size 50x50 cm enclosure. Cages were quite apart from making a rabbit at home, then the rabbit will be healthy.

      3. Maintaining the good rabbit must create a varied diet

In addition to eating carrots rabbits can be fed grass and watercress. Can also be given pellets are usually sold in stores. To provide vegetables, try to give the vegetables withered, in order to facilitate the rabbit to eat.

      4. Bathing good rabbit is one of the characteristics proper care for rabbits

If your rabbit looks dirty, immediately bathe. Because rabbits like cleanliness. But remember not too often to bathe rabbits yes.

     5. Maintain the rabbit had to be diligent shaved rabbit

Rabbit hair grow long fast. Preferably often combed, so neat. But if you are lazy to comb her, it's better to do on a regular basis separately shaved rabbit fur. Because if shave regularly, then the growth will be fur look more beautiful.