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Wednesday, 10 February 2016
Friday, 5 February 2016
Pesona Gunung Bromo
Thursday, 27 August 2015
The benefits of celery
Celery is a versatile plant, primarily as a vegetable and medicine. As a vegetable, leaf, petiole, and tubers as soup mix. The leaves are also used as a salad, or cut into small pieces and sprinkled on soup meatballs, soup, a variety of other soups, porridge or even chicken.
Celery (especially fruit) as a medicinal ingredient has been touted by Dioskurides and Theoprastus from Classical Greek and Roman times as "air belly". Veleslavin (1596) warned against eating celery too much because it can reduce the milk. Celery is touted as an anti-hypertensive vegetables. Another function is as a laxative (diuretics), anti-rheumatic and plant appetite (karminativa). Tubers possess properties that are similar to the leaves but is also used as afrodisiaka (sexual arousal plant). Celery leaves apiin also contains, in addition to a diuretic substance that is useful to increase the amount of urine.
However, celery potential to cause allergies in some people who are sensitive. Patients with kidney inflammation is not advisable to eat them.
Distinctive aroma comes from a number of volatile components of essential oils are contained, the highest in the dried fruit. Main content is butilftalida and butilidftalida as the main aroma carrier. There are also a number of flavonoids, such as graveobiosid A (1-2%) and B (0.1 to 0.7%), as well as phenols compounds. Other components apiin, isokuersitrin, furanokumarin, and isoimperatorin. The main fatty acid content dalah petroselin acid (40-60%). Leaf and petiole contain steroids such as stigmasterol and sitosterol.
Treatment Method:
1. Hypertension
Ingredients: celery taste.
How to make: squeezed with enough cooking water and then filtered.
How to use: drink 3 times a day 2 tablespoons, and performed regularly.
Note: Excessive use of dangerous!
2. For eye medication.
Ingredients: 2 stalks celery, 2 stalks of spinach leaves, 1 sprig of basil.
How to make: all the ingredients are ground together and then brewed with 1 cup hot water and filtered.
How to use: the usual drink.
3. Rheumatic
Ingredients: 1 stalk celery
How to use: edible and crude engulfed every meal can reduce the symptoms of arthritis.
4. Beauty Care
Celery can also be used for beauty treatments, such as oil menggurangi in the face, even eating celery nourish hair can clean stains on tooth enamel. For oily face using three sticks of celery. Washed and then sliced into small pieces, pour and cover. Let cool, then store in the refrigerator. At bedtime, apply celery juice to face is clean. After being dried, rinse the face thoroughly. Do it regularly.
5. Hair Care
For those of you that want to lush hair, use the juice of five stalks of celery were given three tablespoons of water as a spread head. For best results use every day. Using natural ingredients celery as a medicine or easily obtainable body treatments, as well as minimal side effects.
Saturday, 1 August 2015
Trik Internet Gratis Indosat
OSI (Open System Interconnection)
Open System Interconnection (OSI) diperkenalkan oleh International Standard Organization (ISO). Dalam usaha mengembangkan protocol komunikasi data yang baku ISO menggunakan suatu model.
Model yang digunakan untuk kendali melalui jaringan dan sekarang dikenal sebagai model OSI. Model OSI menggunakan layer (lapisan) untuk menentukan berbagai macam fungsi dan operasi sistem komunikasi data.
OSI mendefinisikan sistem sebagai himpunan dari satu atau lebih komputer beserta perangkat lunaknya, terminal, operator, proses, serta alat penyalur informasi lainnya yang dapat melaksanakan pengolahan dan penyaluran operasi sistem.
OSI menggunakan tujuh lapisan atau layer dimana tiap layer berdiri sendiri tetapi fungsi dari masing-masing layer bergantung dari keberhasilan operasi layer sebelumnya. Empat layer pertama memberikan transfer service karena pada layer ini pesan disalurkan atau dialihkan dari sumber ke tujuannya, sehingga mereka merupakan interface (antar muka) antara terminal dan jaringan yang dipakai bersama.
Keempat layer ini juga berfungsi membentuk sambungan antar dua sistem yang hendak berkomunikasi melalui jaringan yang ada, mengendalikan proses pengalihan informasi melalui sambungan ini memberikan pelayanan yang andal dan tidak bergantung pada jaringan pada layer yang lebih tinggi.
Blok sistem layer Model OSI
Orientasi layer aplikasi ini memusatkan perhatian pada penampilan data yang dipertukarkan dan mendukung pelayanan yang diperlukan guna melakukan distributed processing.
Perubahan sambungan fisik tidak mempengaruhi jaringan dan layer diatasnya, ketiga layer ini tidak tergantung dari jaringan, berbeda dengan misalnya layer 1 atau layer 2 sangat tergantung dari jaringan (network).
Thursday, 30 July 2015
Given the Seller Kidney Village in Nepal
If there is competition on the world's poorest villages, village Hokse, Nepal, could be the winner. How not, was so poor, the village population was forced to sell one of their kidneys to earn money to survive.
Therefore, this practice is done almost every citizen, do not be surprised if Hokse known as Kidney Seller village.
The realtor donors visited the village, also in the surrounding area on a regular basis, for the people who want to exchange their organs with a sum of money. If the residents agree, the realtor will take them to southern India to perform the surgical removal of the kidney.
Generally, kidney Hokse citizens exchanged with money of US $ 2,000 or the equivalent of Rp27 million.
Unfortunately, the citizens Hokse many do not know that they were actually duped into selling their kidneys at a low price as well as through illegal procedures.
"Over the past 10 years, many people came to our village and convince to sell a kidney and a lot of people who agree because we are short of money," he said, as reported by Oddity Central.
Data collected Nepal nonprofit organization, Forum for Protection of People's Rights (FPPR) says there are about 10 thousand surgical removal of the kidney with kidney amount sold on the black market was around 7,000 kidney.
On the black market, kidneys from Hokse sold up to six times the initial price.
Not only that, the high demand for donor organs also make the practice illegal in Hokse deepened. Even many people who cheated, fake doctor came to the village said residents affected by serious illness and requires surgery and at the same time, their kidneys were also taken.
In fact, not a few people who were killed and both kidneys were then 'harvested'.
Starting from alternatives to meet the needs of life and future savings, the story of the village kidney seller Hokse into a horror story.
Now, the villagers Hokse anxiety and fear. Especially if a stranger entered the village.
"They're worried the victim of kidnapping and murder," said Krishna Pyari Nakarmi, a lawyer from FPPR.
In addition, now in Hokse, they were caught selling a kidney, gossip and ostracized.
Wednesday, 15 July 2015
Fakta Unik Casillas
Keputusan ini cukup mengejutkan. Pasalnya, dia sudah meraih banyak kesuksesan bersama Los Blancos dalam 16 tahun kariernya di Santiago Bernabeu. Wajar jika perpisahan pemain 34 tahun itu berjalan penuh emosional.
Selain torehan sejumlah trofi bergengsi, perjalanan karier Casillas juga diwarnai fakta unik yang menarik disimak. Berikut ini, fakta menarik Casillas di Madrid seperti dilansir laman olahraga Spanyol, marca, Selasa 14 Juli 2015:
Dari 725 pertandingannya bersama Madrid, dia tiga kali diusir wasit. Dua kali terjadi di La Liga (melawan Osasuna dan Espanyol) dan satu lainnya di ajang Copa del Rey (melawan Nastic).
Dia menjalani debut di Madrid ketika berusia 18 tahun 115 hari (12 September 1999). Fakta ini membuatnya menjadi pemain termuda ke-17 dan kiper termuda sepanjang sejarah Madrid.
Dia sudah kebobolan 751 gol dari 725 pertandingan. Dengan rata-rata 1.03 gol perpertandingan.
Geremi adalah pemain Madrid pertama yang mencetak gol bunuh diri ke gawang Casillas.
Raul Gonzalez adalah rekan setim terlama Casillas. Mereka bermain bersama di 447 pertandingan.